Even though the flu vaccine cannot guarantee that you will not get the flu, getting vaccinated may reduce the severity of your symptoms if you develop the flu. The Australian Government recommends that everyone over the age of six months has an influenza vaccine, and makes a number of flu vaccines available for free under its National Immunisation Program. Let’s take a closer look at flu vaccine effectiveness, and why it’s responsible to have your shot.


Flu Vaccine Effectiveness: What Are The Chances Of You Getting The Flu?

Studies into the effectiveness of the flu vaccine have seen improvements in recent years. Studies carried out on people between the ages of 18 and 64, show that the flu vaccine is about 50 to 60% effective at preventing flu in healthy adults. Sometimes it is less effective. That means the influenza vaccine may prevent six out of every ten flu cases.



Flu Vaccine Effectiveness: Reducing Symptom Severity

Even if the influenza vaccine does not prevent you from catching the flu, it is likely to reduce the severity of your symptoms, and may also contribute to a shorter bout of illness. The influenza vaccine is likely to reduce your risk of developing serious complications that may require hospitalisation. 


Flu Vaccine Effectiveness: Building Herd Immunity

During times such as the covid pandemic, it is socially responsible to take the vaccines that are available for your health and safety. Global healthcare systems are vulnerable, because of the strain they are taking from covid-19. Flu is also a commonly hospitalised illness that costs thousands of lives unnecessarily each year and can be managed well with the flu vaccine.

Getting the influenza vaccine is a proactive way to stay safe and to do your part for the wider community.

There are some people in every community who can’t have the influenza vaccine, and who rely on a large percentage of the community to be vaccinated, in order to protect them. Members of the community who are considered vulnerable and at high risk of complications include

  • Pregnant women
  • Young children
  • People over the age of 65
  • People who have compromised immune systems.


Patients who have chronic health conditions should get the flu vaccine to minimise their chances of complications and serious illness:

  • Asthmaefficacy flu vaccine effectiveness southbank
  • Heart disease
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Cancer
  • Nervous system or brain conditions 


How Long Is The Flu Vaccine Effective For?

The flu vaccine takes two weeks to start working effectively in the body so it is advisable to have your influenza vaccine before the start of flu season. It peaks three to four months of being administered. Because the virus mutates, you must get your flu shot every year. Last year’s flu vaccine may not offer protection against this year’s strain of flu.


For a more in depth conversation on flu vaccine effectiveness, and how to keep your family safe and healthy, it’s always best to speak to a professional. Please contact us for an appointment:  (03) 9699 9121

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