A form of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has been in practice for more than 2500 years. During an acupuncture session, a therapist inserts thin, sterile needles into certain pressure points, to remove blockages and allow your qi force to flow freely. Acupuncture for depression and anxiety is becoming frequently requested, as patients hear about the health and wellness benefits of the practice. 


So How Does Acupuncture Help Depression And Anxiety?

The insertion of the needles into the skin elicits a number of responses from your body, which have demonstrated to be effective in helping with the treatment of anxiety and depression.


It Stimulates The Production Of Happy Neurotransmitters

The process of inserting acupuncture needles stimulates the productions of endorphins in your body. Endorphins are released when you exercise too and give you that feel-good sensation when you have had a full body work out. Endorphins can assist in pain relief, feeling happier and reducing body aches and pains and managing stress.


Boosts Blood Flow

Inserting needles into the body increases your body’s production of nitric oxide, which makes blood vessels relax. This means more blood can access the heart and other major organs.

It Removes Blockages

Your therapist will insert the acupuncture needles into specific points in your body, along meridians, in order to release blockages.

This allows your life force or qi energy to flow freely throughout your body.

This elevates your mood and gives you more energy and vitality.

benefits acupuncture for depression and anxiety southbank

The Benefits Of Acupuncture For Depression And Anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder affecting Australians with one in four people said to be suffering from it. Because there are so many triggers for anxious episodes, both personal and environmental, many people are living in a constant state of heightened emotion and stress, which interferes with their body’s natural functioning.

Depression is another mental health disorder that affects one million people locally at any given time. It can correspond with other conditions such as pain or chronic illness, or it can be experienced on its own. It causes changes to the brain and many people who experience it may struggle to do the necessary self-care to be able to change their circumstances.

Acupuncture may help to remove blockages around any depressive thoughts you may be feeling, and give you the boost you need during your recovery. Major life events, circumstantial events and habits can all fuel depressive episodes and keep a person locked in a depressive cycle. If you have tried or are taking antidepressants and want to complement cognitive behavioural therapy, acupuncture may be able to help you.

Acupuncture can be beneficial for anxiety and depression as it

  • Promotes relaxation and healing
  • Deactivates the part of the brain that over-thinks and over-analyses, which may lead to anxious or depressive states
  • Positively improving the chemistry of the brain through the release of neurotransmitters like endorphins, serotonin, dopamine

Acupuncture is a complementary practice that should not be substituted for any medical treatment. You should discuss any medications you may be taking with your acupuncturist prior to treatment.


To find out more about acupuncture for depression and anxiety, please get in touch: (03) 9699 9121.

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